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Your Distribution Business is Growing, But Is It Scaling?

Apr 2, 2019 9:03:06 AM

For warehouses and distribution centers, it can’t be stressed enough the importance of having inventory management to help lower costs, speed up fulfillment and prevent fraud. If your assets are not precise, you as business are facing stock-outs and high carrying costs. So, how do you accomplish precise inventory management? It starts with a scalable software platform. This enables “high levels of inventory visibility on a real-time basis.” Scalable software platforms can be a remarkable solution for distribution organizations looking to better manage their assets and logistics. Growth is a great thing, but if you do not have the appropriate processes in place, you could be scaling in the wrong direction.


Features & Benefits of Scalable Software Platforms

The possibilities are endless for an organization, such as a distribution facility, to invest in a scalable software platform. The benefits include a reduction in inventory costs, product loss, inventory turnover rates, order duplications and excessive storage fees. These issues can lead to significant financial losses, so scalable software is highly recommended for growing distributors.

In today’s competitive and digital landscape, you cannot afford to be using a manual inventory control system. That’s where a cloud-based software solution can provide the flexibility and accuracy to manage your assets. With a cloud-based platform, businesses can access enterprise resource planning (ERP) software through their smartphone device to track product transfers and fulfill orders with ease. In addition, cloud-based software grants employees access to inventory control as it is being entered.

Scalable, cloud-based software is not a necessity, but essential for an organization to keep track of its assets and provide fast logistics. Otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary costs and losses. To ensure that you’re on the right path and using the right technology, contact NEO3 to learn more.


Topics: Insider

Jim Rosenberg
Written by Jim Rosenberg
